Wednesday, April 22, 2009

10 things I love about my little boy: Owen

1) His dimpled little knees. (does that really count for two?!)

2) His near-eternal patience (except when waiting for more cheese).

3) The way he leans his head on my shoulder and sighs.

4) His laugh when his brothers monkey around.

5) The excitement he feels when he says "hi hi hi hi hi hi..."

6) His extreme love of cheese. (And it's amazing that he can tolerate it, considering that I was eating dairy-free when he was exclusively nursing, because he seemed to have a reaction to dairy foods!)

7) How happily he plays by himself.

8) How happily he plays with the rest of us.

9) That toothy grin.

10) The sweetness that he brings to my life, every day.


Joy said...

Elisabeth is obsessed with cheese too. I realized how much she liked tomatoes when she turned down cheese and started pointing at the slice of tomato on my plate.

Mama said...

Owen is a wonderful, very special little boy.

Your tributes are always a joy to read.

Rena said...

Awwww. What a sweet little guy. :)