Monday, June 29, 2009

"Not me!" Monday

Here I am, posting yet another "Not me!" Monday. This fun blog carnival was created by MckMama at My Charming Kids. Feel free to join in, either on your own blog, or by adding a comment. It's really cathartic!

I definitely am not regretting ever expressing the fact that at one time I actually enjoyed having a budget. Because that? Would have been madness! I'm sure I never would have thought that, let alone said it...

There is no way that I'm feeling in the least bit irritable or hormonal these days. I am a mature lady, far above being swayed by such silly things as hormones. And I absolutely didn't keep staring at my beloved the other night, totally annoyed by the sounds he made while eating ice cream.

I certainly wasn't dreading driving the Food Circuit last Monday. As happy as I am to participate in a CSA, to get farm-fresh eggs from pastured chickens, and amazing raw milk, I never grumble to myself about the driving. And I certainly wouldn't be praying about someone with whom I might alternate the driving to the farm.

And while dining at The Melting Pot with my handsome husband, celebrating our 12th anniversary, I absolutely, positively did not break of all my own rules about refined sugar. I certainly didn't finish off a delightful meal by chowing down on chocolate-caramel fondue with: brownie bites, pound cake, Oreo crumb-encrusted marshmallows, graham cracker crumb-encrusted marshmallows, and delectable, scrumptious cheesecake. Because I? Don't. Eat. Refined. Sugar. Anymore. Almost ever...

1 comment:

Jenilee said...

love your music playlist! :) great songs! and melting pot is amazing. :) a great excuse to splurge on some sugar!