Tuesday, May 7, 2013

investing in the future

Have I mentioned that our church is putting up a new building?

Well, we are.  It has been a long process; our oldest child, now nearly halfway through his tenth year, was a mere two months old when we began the first capitol campaign.  But the timing has been good - it makes for much less debt.

Ten years ago the focus was on saving money to buy property.  A few years later we had a celebration wen they first broke ground.  We now have made a serious start.  You can really see a lot of what it will look like when it's finished.  We're currently raising money to put a roof over our new building.  Once that's done, we hope to have the thing done completed before too much more time goes by.

People have saved and sacrificed.  Many church members have spent countless days helping pour cement and moving dirt.   It has been a dream we're all working toward, and now we can finally start to see that dream being realized.

A few weeks ago the Sunday school kids went out to the church property.  They were able to place handprints in the cement by the children's wing, and the staff even wrote the children's initials.  It is a beautiful thing.

On Sunday night our family headed to the property for a BBQ and Tour.  The pastor (whose vision and faith have been the driving force behind all this) took groups through the facility, showing us what has already been accomplished and lending us his perspective on what it will all look like in the future.

It's going to be amazing.

But more than a nice place to gather, more than finally having the space we need for our ever-expanding children's ministry, I believe this place will be a blessing to our community.  I'm so excited to see the outreach that will happen there!  This is an exhilarating time for our church body, and we are thrilled to be a part of it all.

1 comment:

steve and corrine said...

Very nice, I loved seeing the children's handprints when I toured with Jeff.