Friday, August 5, 2011

lay it down

It's morning, and my little one is calling to me.

I hurriedly finish up at the bathroom mirror, and head to greet her for the day. As I open the door, I see her sitting up in her bed: hair tousled, skin flushed, the lone tear on her cheek signaling that I'd taken a little longer to fetch her than she would've liked. Her pink pajamas seem to take on a rosy glow in the morning light. She's been watching for me to open her door, and as I do, I say good morning.

She gets to her knees, and begins to gather things into her arms. Her pink blanket with the flowers. Her water cup. The one or two burp cloths she finds it absolutely necessary to cuddle with at nighttime - do they remind her of our sweet snuggles when she was still nursing? Her arms full, she tries to get to her feet...but her burden is too much for her. A burp cloth falls. As she fumbles to pick it up, the water cup hits the mattress. Soon the blanket is trailing at her feet, causing her to stumble. I wait by the side of her bed, helping as I can...but she prefers to do it herself. Eventually, my little girl gathered in my arms, we head out of her room.

Downstairs, I begin preparing breakfast. She is not pleased to have been put down, but it is necessary for the moment. As she paces the kitchen floor, making her unhappiness known, her arms are overflowing with the contents of her bed: the blanket, the water cup, the burp cloths. She walks over to me and "asks" to be picked up - and as she does so, the armload begins to tumble down again. She attempts to collect her things, but it only brings on another avalanche. She is becoming very frustrated, and plops onto the the floor. Mama won't pick her up, and nothing is staying just where she wants it.

I smile at her, filled with compassion. "Do you think maybe you have too much in your arms?" I ask gently. "Let's put your cup on this chair." My suggestion is met with obvious displeasure: she is not interested in relinquishing anything, thankyouverymuch. She wants her things, and she wants them for a reason, and if her mama would only pick her up -

And I can't help but think that is she would only lay down her burden, if she would only relinquish her load, she would be free to to to stretch her legs and enjoy the newness of the morning. Lay it all down, Little One, and I will try to do the same with my own burdens.

I cast all my cares up on You
I lay all of my burdens,
Down at your feet
Anytime that I don't know what to do,
I will cast all my cares

Upon you

Kelly Willard


Trish said...

Beautifully written, Mindy. :)

Mama said...

Amen! You have such a God-given way with words.