Monday, November 24, 2008

"Not me!" Monday

Here I go again! Another "Not Me!" Monday post, as inspired by MckMama at My Charming Kids.

I did not sit at the dentist's office last week, rather mortified to find myself staring at my spitty shoes. Nope, not me! The shoes certainly did not look like someone had dropped a spoonful of sour cream on the floor in front me. That would be really gross, and I definitely would have cleaned my shoes before leaving the house. And even if it were true, I would certainly have de-spitted the shoes by now...

Also, I did not find myself in a Costco restroom on Saturday, sitting for an extra minute while I reveled in the smell of a freshly-cleaned bathroom--which I myself did not clean. Because Lysol is not what daydreams are made of, at least for me.

I am definitely not considering buying a few more carob peanut clusters anytime soon. Because they're obviously a bit addictive, as well as being frivolous, so that would be a silly thing to do. So, clearly not me!

I do not have a tendency to overuse italics, and thus really enjoy these posts. Italics are way overrated, and a mature person should have very little need for them. Thus, they aren't an issue for matter what my 9th grade English teacher may have told you.

1 comment:

paige said...

HAhaaa! But, do you *speak* in italics?