Monday, June 8, 2009

"Not me!" Monday

You know it! Another Monday means another "Not me!" Monday post. So fun, so cathartic. Really, you ought to try it. For a post sure to lift any potential doldrums, head over to see what MckMama (who started this blog carnival!) at My Charming Kids.

You can be sure that I didn't make The Nourishing Gourmet's Brownie Pudding Cake, only to burn the top of it. I am the most attentive of bakers, and I would never let such a tender morsel of deliciousness scorch. What kind of cook would forget that things bake more quickly in the toaster oven?

The day that my post on local food was published, I absolutely did not go and purchase grapes which hailed from Mexico. I never succumb to buying something simply because I know my kids love it, even if it isn't such a great choice in other ways. And I definitely wouldn't have been surprised to find the grapes slightly aged and soft, because I know that local = fresh, therefore traveled produce tends to be a bit...well, travel-weary.

While preparing for a Sunday open house this week, I certainly did not spend two days cleaning. As I've stated before, I am a model housekeeper, and never let dust bunnies get the best of me. No, I find taming the crumbs to be the most exhilarating of challenges.

Also during preparations for the open house, I definitely did not literally sweep a few said crumbs under the rug. Me?! I would never do a thing like that! I mean, how long would it have taken me to get the dustpan and dispose of them the traditional way? I would never be so lazy.

And I absolutely didn't mutter to myself nearly the entire time when I was preparing for the afore-mentioned open house. I am not sick to death of cleaning my house for the purpose of impressing other people, people who may or may not care. I am a perpetual Pollyanna, and I find this entire process of trying to sell our house...delightful!

What have you not been up to this week?

1 comment:

Molly said...

Pollyanna! That's funny...