Monday, September 29, 2008

A Baby Meme (Benjamin)

I saw this meme on Kristin's blog and thought it might be fun. I'll do it for all of the boys, eventually. I would love it if you would fill it out for yourself in the comments section, or link to your own blog if you do it there.

Benjamin Wayne
December 18, 2002

1. How long had you been married at the time of the birth?
-5 1/2 years

2. What were your reactions when you found out that you were pregnant?
-Disbelief, thrilled excitement. We had been trying to conceive for 2 1/2 years and had just about given up on a biological child, when...BINGO!!

3. How old were you?
-I was 25 when I fell pregnant and 26 when the baby was born.

4. How did you find out that you were pregnant?
-3 HPTs, then blood tests because I needed further proof!

5. Who did you tell first?
-Technically, the OB's office, because they ordered the blood tests for me. I was fortunate to be able to get tested that day, and everything came up "baby!" My husband's birthday was the very next day, and I decided to keep it a secret and give him a special gift (a book called "The Expectant Father") as a birthday gift. I was so proud that I could keep the secret from him for 24 hours!

6. Did you find out the sex?
-No, we wanted a surprise!

7. Due date?
-December 7, 2002

8. Did you deliver early or late? -Late, 11 days late.

9. Did you have morning sickness?
-Not much to speak of. No vomiting, just the occasional wave of nausea.

10. What did you crave?
-Mexican food

11. Who irritated you most?
-My husband when we were doing our first "healthy pregnancy food" grocery trip. He said "Uh, you know you're only supposed to gain 3 or 4 pounds the first trimester...right?

12. What was your first child's sex?
-A boy

13. How many pounds did you gain throughout your first pregnancy?
-55 horrible lbs

14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?
-No, none.

15. Where did you give birth?
-At a freestanding waterbirth center. It was lovely, like giving birth at the Ritz.

16. How many hours were you in labor?
-14 hours

17. Who drove you to the hospital? -My husband drove me to the birthing center.

18. Who watched?
-My husband and the birth team (midwife and 3 apprentices)

19. Was it vaginal or c-section? -Vaginal

20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain?

21. How much did your baby weigh? -8 lb 3 oz

22. What did you name your first born baby?
-Benjamin Wayne

23. How old is your baby today?
-He's 5 1/2 (nearly 6, though!)

***To read Ben's entire birth story, click here.


paige said...

Zowie ~ he looks like Owen!!

Mindy said...

I know! It is amazing how much they resemble one another. It was really striking when Owen was first born, even.