Thursday, September 11, 2008


1) Ben, when asked to choose a treat at the farmer's market, "Hmm...well, a donut wouldn't last very long. And...neither would a cookie. I would like.. a balloon!"

2) "Ben, do you wanna pway aiwpwane family?"

3) "Hey, Kyle! When there are some birds on a wire, and there is another bird on another wire close by, it means the birds are having church."

4) Kyle, when passing a car lot, "Look, balloons. The cars are having a birthday party."

5) Owen's squeals of delight whenever he spots our cat.


Rena said...

These are great! I'm impressed with Ben's planning at the market, and the cars having a birthday party is so cute!

steve and corrine said...

I can just here those little voices. Mindy you do a great job on the Kyle lingo. The bird church brings back fond memories of my childhood. Corrine aka Grandma