Sunday, September 28, 2008

mommy confessions

~I've been a very frustrated mother lately. My kindergartner has an attitude.

~The house is still decorated to the hilt with Spider-Man stuff.

~It's been so hard to wake Kyle up in the afternoon so we can go get Ben from school...I am sorely tempted to just leave him sleeping for the 20 minutes it would take while I go pick Benjamin up. (nobody panic, I won't do it!)

~Last week, I put on the VeggieTales Sunday School songs CD, specifically because I knew that if I did, Kyle would stop talking to me and listen to the CD.

~I am so anal about kitchen stuff that I rarely have the boys help me cook. And when I do, I have to keep reminding myself that the kitchen floor (along with everything else!) will wash up...

~I almost always make Ben & Kyle get their own (cold) breakfasts!

ETA: There! That was cathartic. Please feel free to post your own Mommy Confessions. It's like chicken soup for the soul!


Brigetta said...

Chin up! Today's another day :) It's part of the package deal, and besides you'll see those sweet dimples and dark brown eyes and your Mommy heart will melt sooner than later. And no matter what you are feeling, you really are doing a great job with 3 boys :) So keep it up!

Shelly said...

Hey Mindy-I'm sitting here reading through parts of your blog and I just want to say-thank you so much for making me feel like a normal Mom through your Mommy Confessions!

I only have one kiddo-an almost 13 year old girl. Oh my word, there are days that I feel so bad-because I have a hard time letting her cook with me, since I too, am anal about the kitchen. Or on those days when she does have to get her own cold breakfast in the mornings. It's so good to know I'm not the only one!

Thank you for being honest and transparent on your blog! Keep up the good work!