Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Two years ago
you slipped away
Little by little
And I? I lingered, between despair and hope

God alone saw the moment when
your spirit flew
I (your mother) could not hold you back
Though I prayed for you to stay

So that I could know you.
Hold you.
Soothe. Rock. Tend.
Mother you.

But still you flew away
To a different destiny
Than I had hoped

I know you're loved.
Held. At peace.
I know you'll have no tears
No regret
No pain
Never a broken heart

But I still miss you.


Anonymous said...

I started to read this out loud to your mom, but choked up. It is still very sad for us. God be with you.

Anonymous said...

You said it so well. Some day we'll all get to meet him/her.

Brigetta said...

Oh Mindy. I am sorry for your heart ache. I am also impressed more than you know by your strength and faith. I will also now remember your angel baby's name. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.

Trish said...

Mindy, that's beautiful. {hugs}

Jeff said...


Well said. I love you and I miss Riley too.

Rena said...

So beautiful. Brought a lump to my throat. You are such a good writer.
I know our loss dates were pretty close and I've been thinking of you.
We will always miss them, won't we.
PS--Did you see Dove's tribute shortly before Christmas?

Mindy said...

I did, though I have neglected to get over there and thank her. I really need to. It was so beautiful.

Jennie said...

A beautiful tribute to Riley. I'm glad God introduced us through our losses so that we can rejoice together in our great times.

tlc said...

Mindy, just the other day I was thinking about my little one who went to be with Jesus the week after Valentine's Day four years ago. Do you remember when I told you I was pregnant? It was at Jen's house during a bday party. You were the first person I told! I'm glad that your heart is healing. We will never forget those precious tiny blessings. So many dreams spring to life with the realization, "I'm pregnant!" It is heart-wrenching when we must surrender them. Anyway, enough. I loved your precious poem, and I am sorry that we share the commonality of this loss.

steve and corrine said...

Thanks for your beautiful reflections and thoughts. We really got choked up as we read, but also felt comfort from your expression of faith and hope.