Wednesday, January 7, 2009

tell me more

Owen is now the proud owner of four (count 'em!) teeth. He got the top two within the past week or so, and they're looking pretty spiffy. However, he has just yesterday taken up the habit of scraping the top teeth on the bottom teeth. This drives me absolutely batty, and it doesn't seem like a healthy habit to me. Still, as Jeff pointed out, it's a novelty. Hopefully he'll tire of it soon.

He's also getting much more vocal. This is especially apparent at dinnertime, if he's finished the food he's been served and would like more. This child loves finger foods! It was like, we finally decided to start giving him finger foods, and his whole being just said "THIS is what I've been waiting for my whole life!" Current favorites are pancakes and (popped) peas. He also loves the classic O's cereal (I like Barbara's Bakery) and home fries. I made sweet potato fries a few weeks ago and he snarfed them. He practically inhaled them.

If the subject of a dog comes up, and we say "Owen, what sound does a dog make?" He'll say "Ffff, ffff." ["woof woof"] I don't think it quite qualifies as a first word, but it's the first real attempt at mimicry that I've seen. He is starting to do some baby signs, though. Two, to be precise: "milk" and "finished." I love that we can communicate through our hands, as well as in so many other ways.

Lastly, he's started doing the funniest thing while nursing. He has started to "talk." While nursing. So. Cute. It's a bit reminiscent of Charlie Brown's teacher in the Peanuts cartoon. Nothing intelligible (not that he's using words yet anyway) but decidedly expressive. I love it.
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paige said...

k, if *that's* not the cutest pic i've seen in a long time! Gage was blowing raspberries on me when he was done his nursings... i was visiting with my mom one time & he made a particularly LOUD one & my mom just burst out laughing. What a goof!

Mindy said...

They are just so funny!

Brigetta said...

yay for baby sign! Good for Owen and good for you Mindy :)

Anonymous said...

So the "Fff" "Fff" DOES mean woof. That's adorable. We sure had a good laugh when he giggled at our "woof, woof". That was so much fun! So he's saying, "Wa, wa, wa" when nursing, huh? How cute. Bet his new teeth do look spiffy.