Tuesday, December 30, 2008

our Christmas

We had a happy Christmas at my parents' house in Idaho. We took our time getting down to business; breakfast first, showers for those that wanted them, and then on to the fun.

Jeff reading the Christmas story from the gospel of Luke (with a little help from Ben)
Owen's first Christmas!
A sword fight in the name of peace on earth
Benjamin got a guitar this year! He was so excited. For the rest of our visit, when his neck wasn't hurting too badly, he could be found in the bedroom, strumming along with a CD the boys were given. Practice for when he's a moody teen, I guess.

Ben & Kyle going at it, boxing with the Wii. It's very strange to hear myself say "Hit him, Kyle!" and "Get him, Ben!"

It was a lovely time, and we are so thankful for the hospitality we were shown. Thanks for a great time, Mama & Dad. We love you!

p.s. Daddy, there never seem to be any pictures of you. We'll have to work harder at that on our next visit...

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