Sunday, December 7, 2008

what a croupy week

Well, we're having quite a week here. First we had one child with a croupy cough...

...and now we have another. And lemme tell you, this kid is miserable. Among the many things he has said today are "I'm feeling all better now. I can go to church now," demanding that he be taken to see the doctor immediately, and "Someone has been squeezing my neck!" Oh, and my personal favorite: "I went pee and it helped my throat feel better. It helped my forehead [headache] feel better too!" Whatever works for you, kiddo.

We nearly took him to Urgent Care twice today. I feel so bad for him. It's been a rough day for the poor guy. He has some medicine now, so hopefully he'll be breathing better soon.

I hope your family is staying healthier than we are!
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Taunya said...

my kids get croup too. It's scary to hear them gasping for breath or barking....and its always really late at night too.

found you through mckmama

laughed at your pregnancy test not me! I never do that either

Anonymous said...

Poor kids! I feel for them. My kids never had croup but it sounds really scary.

Rena said...

How sad. Nothing's worse than sick kids. Hope they feel better soon.