Wednesday, December 31, 2008

the missing Christmas letter

For those of you who usually receive our Christmas letter, you may have noticed that it hasn't arrived yet. The truth is, it hasn't gone out yet!

While it's accurate to say that this year December truly kicked my butt, this isn't all my fault. It is, of course, partially my fault. But I must point out that the letter was all ready to go out Monday the 22nd...aside from the recipient list, the stamps, and the labels. You may recall that it was during that time that our fair city was hit with the Arctic Blast '08. And I'm not blaming the postal service, because as far as I know the mail trucks kept on trucking. The problem wasn't the mail carrier at all, it was...

Electricity. We simply could not access our list, or print our labels...and, to tell you the truth, I had much bigger fish to fry than to peer through my address book and write them all out by hand. Do I feel guilty? Yes. Will I apologize? Yes. I do apologize. But I also contend that aside from my tardiness, there was no way those letters were going anywhere last Monday.

And Tuesday we headed to Idaho, where we couldn't proceed with printing anyway. Since we've gotten back it's been scurry, scurry, scurry...dealing with mountains of laundry, suitcases, boxes of Christmas gifts, re-stocking the refrigerator and pantry... all that sort of thing.

Still! I have hopes that the letter may make its way into the mailbox soon. Fear not! Though it still sits, unlabelled, unstamped, and shall make its tardy way to your doorstep (assuming you are on the recipient list) one day soon. And what better way to reminisce about Christmas than to read a letter which assumes it hasn't come yet?

Besides, there's a really cute photo in there that should make the wait worthwhile!


Carolyn said...

I was wondering where your letter was this worries! Happy New Year my friend!

Deb said...

I"m thinking of a Ground-hog's day letter this year... :-) I"m quite behind as well!

Trish said...

Jamie and I decided to ignore the whole Christmas card/letter thing this year. We'll send out change-of-address cards in a couple of months instead. :)

Searching for God in the everyday said...

I dunno...3 young kids, crazy weather, intermittent electricity...I can't figure out why! =)
Sounds like you had a fun Christmas. Happy New Year!

Brigetta said...

no worries! I'm just glad you got to and from your parents safely... and in the church I grew up in it was Christmas until the 3 wise men came which gave us an extra week or so. So your're still in the season, go for it! :) or just don't worry about it, either way your fine.

Anonymous said...

We never did get our Christmas cards/letter out! We plan to send out New Year's letters, hopefully soon.