Saturday, May 2, 2009

Showcase Night

Our homeschool co-op had it's first ever Showcase Night last night. It's a chance for friends and
family to see what the children have been doing at Friday School. It was a great night!

Ben's classes had two display tables. The Dangerous Boys class sported tornadoes, a volcano, an egg & bottle trick, and others.

This is a table full o' pirate booty.

The pirate classes - two classes are actually represented here - got up on stage to share what they'd learned. I half expected Benjamin to be too bashful to speak, but he started talking...and talked, and talked...

Here's Kyle and the book he made in preschool class. (yes, he really does love that shirt)

And pirate Ben with his lapbook. It's very fun, hands-on, and chock full o' pirate lore.

We had a great experience with our first term at Friday School. Thanks, First Class!


Ami said...

How fun! It looks like you're all doing a great job with school. :)

Searching for God in the everyday said...

Looks like fun! Sounds like you are enjoying it too!

Deb said...

That looks like fun! We have the dangerous book for girls here and it has a lot of the same things in it! Love the tornados! And we've even made "sit upons" and have learned about female spies!... love using the walkie talkies for that one! It's a great book!:-)

Mindy said...

Deb - There was a class for the girls too...I think they called it "Daring Girls." They did a presentation last night (hand/clapping games & rhymes) and DID mention "sit upons." They were all wearing kerchiefs in their hair, it was really cute!

Rena said...

What a great opportunity. The boys look so proud.